This was written the week after I got here and was waiting for my stuff to arrive...
Wrote this last night (Thursday) but just now had a chance to send it: Well, he locked himself in the garage today.
Okay, I locked myself in the garage today.
I lock the garage door at night and the bottom handle just has one of those dial thing• y's and I went out to do laundry and it closed behind me. Fortunately, I had left the garage key in the car and since I was leaning on the hood to get back in (oh, my car BARELY fits in the garage. I hit the workbench the other day, which is padded. I can see why.) I got the keys and let myself back in. I keep noticing that the prior tenant has all these hooks stuck EVERYWHERE. Again, I now see why. The garage keys are now hanging IN the garage. Which sort of depletes the purpose of locking the garage door at night. I will get a duplicate made and give one to PJ and Jenn and keep one hidden in the garage.
We are settling in ... the place is every bit as wonderful as I remember it and I am writing this, sitting on the balcony off my bedroom (bought two little chairs and a table; the only furniture here besides the aero bed and the folding table and folding chair I had the foresight to bring and another table PJ and Jenn loaned me)
Another "Oh Wow" moment and I'm not even in the car! The sun is setting behind Catalina Island and I am practically ecstatic. All orange and rosy glow.
I had a gecko living in the cover for the grill. Scared the bejesus out of me. Took the cover out from behind the grill where it had blown, shook it out so I could wash it, didn't have my glasses on and was ABOUT to pick up the "twig" that came out and holy you-know-what... the twig took off running and so did I.
There are also lots of snails here. I may just gather a bunch and invite PJ over for escargot.
Speaking of which... I got to take the boys to dinner the other night after their music lessons, which they take in Dana Point where I live (hoping to make that a regular Tuesday thing) and went to Ty's track meet today. They leave tonight on a spring break vacation to Belize so I am REALLY on my own. Well, w/ Rudolph... who is happily ensconced right now in the foyer, guarding the front door...although he does like to go by the fireplace too but I have to remind him he is wood and he can't stay there if I light it.
Other things that have happened:
I did a huge grocery shop since I didn't have so much as a bottle of mustard and it required the assistance of Jason (btw, there is not a single grocery store here which doesn't bag your groceries. This is LIVING.) So we got out to my car with the two carts and I emptied mine into my car and went to put it in the cart return I was walking I heard this crash and there was Jason, frantic, because the idiot next to me backed into his cart, narrowly missing him and knocking the cart over with all my groceries rolling all over the place. Try chasing a yogurt (great price: 5 for $4.) around a parking lot. The idiot was more concerned about his truck than Jason. I went to tip Jason and he said he couldn't accept tips... so after the poor boy risked his life I threw a $5. bill in the cart and said "Look! someone lost money!" and jumped in my car. I saw him today in the store again (I forgot eggs) and we both started to laugh.
Everyone is just so nice here. Except the guy I ran into at Lowes.
I did one of those "Pull all the way through" things in the parking lot. There were LOTS of spaces everywhere but low and behold, this guy wanted the spot I pulled into... I waved and said "Sorry"...he parked MAYBE three spots up from where I was. He was driving an old Neon or something ...guy about my age who thought he was younger. I stopped to look at some plants by the door and he came in as I was standing there.
Being the good Catholic girl I said "Sorry about that... my car is loaded and I hate backing out of spots anyway. I didn't see you." He looks at me and says "Well, that's why you're not supposed to do that and you shouldn't be driving that big a-- car anyway."
So I looked at him and said..."Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize that God called you and you are now in charge. I' II make sure I check my email to see if someone notified me." He turned purple and walked in and I thought to myself: "I'm from New York. Don't mess with me."
All my neighbors have dogs. They bark if you burp. I might have to get some ear plugs.
I have no heat. The gas man came to turn on the gas and discovered that the furnace doesn't vent. Probably a bird built a nest in there since the place has been vacant for 8 months. It gets a little chilly here at night be of the sea breeze and I only had two fleece blankets with me. The first night I got up (I'm sleeping on an aero bed on the floor, which truthfully is very comfortable, but nevertheless, still on the floor) and got a bath sheet to add ... and I was still cold ... so I got up and put a sweater on...and then sox...and then ANOTHER bath towel...the next night I remembered that I'd purchased a comforter for the guest room so I was quite comfortable. They are sending a chimney sweep on Monday. I must say the landlord and the listing realtor jump on things right away.
I wish you could see this sunset. I can't believe that I am here enjoying it. I wish you would ALL be here with me, crowded in my house and oohing and ahhing as I do. I could be pouring everyone wine...or maybe champagne, to celebrate.
I can't tell you how happy I am here. It is Nirvana for me. Tomorrow they are coming to put my office furniture together and my other furniture (from Crate and Barrel and from Bernardsville) is arriving on Saturday. Rudolph is still a little worried about where all the boxes will go but the truck driver, John, who is wonderful said he is NOT leaving me
here with no room to walk around. I overpacked big time (As Delia so well knows) but the worst case scenario is I get a small storage area. So far my biggest crisis has been the car in the garage... but I discovered that if I pull in from the left instead of the right I can do it w/o hitting anything.
PJ and Jenn, who just purchased a Smart Car which he drove on the GOLF COURSE at Talega the other day, on the golf cart path, have the right idea. I have two years left on my lease and gas is $4. a gallon out here so I will happily be walking as much as I can! and then I will RUN to the nearest small car/big mileage center. Thank you for your many calls and good wishes... I can't wait for you to visit (REALLY. I have no friends here except the neighbors' dogs...and they scare Rudolph!)
I am looking forward to Michael putting together the office furniture I purchased from Staples and then starting to unpack the 150 or so boxes I took from NJ. I actually put the new mattress cover and pillows I purchased in the extra shower stall since no one will use that and I have NO idea where John, as wonderful as he is will put everything here... it is smaller than I remembered but still fantastic ... (he was very cute... when I talked to him today he said he almost called me a couple of times to see how I was doing... happily married w/ an 18 month old, folks... just a nice person) and then proceeded to tell me, be I loved the drive so much, I should get my license to drive a big rig!! His ex-wife, who was a nurse, now runs a truck-driving school in San Diego! I' II discuss it with Rudolph when the time is appropriate.
Hope you are all as well as I am! talk to you soon ... Love J and R. PS...
I printed change of address cards and thought I took them with me but I must have packed them, but you will get them sooner or later!
It's a lovely guest room with a door to a balcony where I put a bistro table and two chairs...all it needs is for someone to visit!
Life is good!
Wrote this last night (Thursday) but just now had a chance to send it: Well, he locked himself in the garage today.
Okay, I locked myself in the garage today.
I lock the garage door at night and the bottom handle just has one of those dial thing• y's and I went out to do laundry and it closed behind me. Fortunately, I had left the garage key in the car and since I was leaning on the hood to get back in (oh, my car BARELY fits in the garage. I hit the workbench the other day, which is padded. I can see why.) I got the keys and let myself back in. I keep noticing that the prior tenant has all these hooks stuck EVERYWHERE. Again, I now see why. The garage keys are now hanging IN the garage. Which sort of depletes the purpose of locking the garage door at night. I will get a duplicate made and give one to PJ and Jenn and keep one hidden in the garage.
We are settling in ... the place is every bit as wonderful as I remember it and I am writing this, sitting on the balcony off my bedroom (bought two little chairs and a table; the only furniture here besides the aero bed and the folding table and folding chair I had the foresight to bring and another table PJ and Jenn loaned me)
Another "Oh Wow" moment and I'm not even in the car! The sun is setting behind Catalina Island and I am practically ecstatic. All orange and rosy glow.
I had a gecko living in the cover for the grill. Scared the bejesus out of me. Took the cover out from behind the grill where it had blown, shook it out so I could wash it, didn't have my glasses on and was ABOUT to pick up the "twig" that came out and holy you-know-what... the twig took off running and so did I.
There are also lots of snails here. I may just gather a bunch and invite PJ over for escargot.
Speaking of which... I got to take the boys to dinner the other night after their music lessons, which they take in Dana Point where I live (hoping to make that a regular Tuesday thing) and went to Ty's track meet today. They leave tonight on a spring break vacation to Belize so I am REALLY on my own. Well, w/ Rudolph... who is happily ensconced right now in the foyer, guarding the front door...although he does like to go by the fireplace too but I have to remind him he is wood and he can't stay there if I light it.
Other things that have happened:
I did a huge grocery shop since I didn't have so much as a bottle of mustard and it required the assistance of Jason (btw, there is not a single grocery store here which doesn't bag your groceries. This is LIVING.) So we got out to my car with the two carts and I emptied mine into my car and went to put it in the cart return I was walking I heard this crash and there was Jason, frantic, because the idiot next to me backed into his cart, narrowly missing him and knocking the cart over with all my groceries rolling all over the place. Try chasing a yogurt (great price: 5 for $4.) around a parking lot. The idiot was more concerned about his truck than Jason. I went to tip Jason and he said he couldn't accept tips... so after the poor boy risked his life I threw a $5. bill in the cart and said "Look! someone lost money!" and jumped in my car. I saw him today in the store again (I forgot eggs) and we both started to laugh.
Everyone is just so nice here. Except the guy I ran into at Lowes.
I did one of those "Pull all the way through" things in the parking lot. There were LOTS of spaces everywhere but low and behold, this guy wanted the spot I pulled into... I waved and said "Sorry"...he parked MAYBE three spots up from where I was. He was driving an old Neon or something ...guy about my age who thought he was younger. I stopped to look at some plants by the door and he came in as I was standing there.
Being the good Catholic girl I said "Sorry about that... my car is loaded and I hate backing out of spots anyway. I didn't see you." He looks at me and says "Well, that's why you're not supposed to do that and you shouldn't be driving that big a-- car anyway."
So I looked at him and said..."Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize that God called you and you are now in charge. I' II make sure I check my email to see if someone notified me." He turned purple and walked in and I thought to myself: "I'm from New York. Don't mess with me."
All my neighbors have dogs. They bark if you burp. I might have to get some ear plugs.
I have no heat. The gas man came to turn on the gas and discovered that the furnace doesn't vent. Probably a bird built a nest in there since the place has been vacant for 8 months. It gets a little chilly here at night be of the sea breeze and I only had two fleece blankets with me. The first night I got up (I'm sleeping on an aero bed on the floor, which truthfully is very comfortable, but nevertheless, still on the floor) and got a bath sheet to add ... and I was still cold ... so I got up and put a sweater on...and then sox...and then ANOTHER bath towel...the next night I remembered that I'd purchased a comforter for the guest room so I was quite comfortable. They are sending a chimney sweep on Monday. I must say the landlord and the listing realtor jump on things right away.
I wish you could see this sunset. I can't believe that I am here enjoying it. I wish you would ALL be here with me, crowded in my house and oohing and ahhing as I do. I could be pouring everyone wine...or maybe champagne, to celebrate.
I can't tell you how happy I am here. It is Nirvana for me. Tomorrow they are coming to put my office furniture together and my other furniture (from Crate and Barrel and from Bernardsville) is arriving on Saturday. Rudolph is still a little worried about where all the boxes will go but the truck driver, John, who is wonderful said he is NOT leaving me
here with no room to walk around. I overpacked big time (As Delia so well knows) but the worst case scenario is I get a small storage area. So far my biggest crisis has been the car in the garage... but I discovered that if I pull in from the left instead of the right I can do it w/o hitting anything.
PJ and Jenn, who just purchased a Smart Car which he drove on the GOLF COURSE at Talega the other day, on the golf cart path, have the right idea. I have two years left on my lease and gas is $4. a gallon out here so I will happily be walking as much as I can! and then I will RUN to the nearest small car/big mileage center. Thank you for your many calls and good wishes... I can't wait for you to visit (REALLY. I have no friends here except the neighbors' dogs...and they scare Rudolph!)
I am looking forward to Michael putting together the office furniture I purchased from Staples and then starting to unpack the 150 or so boxes I took from NJ. I actually put the new mattress cover and pillows I purchased in the extra shower stall since no one will use that and I have NO idea where John, as wonderful as he is will put everything here... it is smaller than I remembered but still fantastic ... (he was very cute... when I talked to him today he said he almost called me a couple of times to see how I was doing... happily married w/ an 18 month old, folks... just a nice person) and then proceeded to tell me, be I loved the drive so much, I should get my license to drive a big rig!! His ex-wife, who was a nurse, now runs a truck-driving school in San Diego! I' II discuss it with Rudolph when the time is appropriate.
Hope you are all as well as I am! talk to you soon ... Love J and R. PS...
I printed change of address cards and thought I took them with me but I must have packed them, but you will get them sooner or later!
It's a lovely guest room with a door to a balcony where I put a bistro table and two chairs...all it needs is for someone to visit!
Life is good!