I drove through Illinois, Missouri, and half of Oklahoma Today... surprisingly, Oklahoma " ...where the wind comes sweeping down the plain... " (I think that's part of the song) is amazingly hilly and quite beautiful. I also observed that the state is shaped like the Number One fan finger.
An exciting day! I have to tell you I am SOOOO glad I am doing this. I think anyone who runs for President should be required to drive both back AND forth across the USA to see what it's all about and what it's really like.
I left Terre Haute IN (which, by the way, was visited by both Hillary Clinton and me, on the same day. She got the headlines, though! ) Anyway, I hit the road at about 7:30 this a.m. in 36-degree weather, rain and fog, and I am in Oklahoma City during a "cold snap" where it is 61 and sunny. I drove through my first-time zone change and the seasons today. From cold and brown to spring, and dogwoods blooming, and something purple growing everywhere... this is a MAGNIFICENT country.
I drove through Illinois, Missouri, and half of Oklahoma Today... surprisingly, Oklahoma " ...where the wind comes sweeping down the plain... " (I think that's part of the song) is amazingly hilly and quite beautiful. I also observed that the state is shaped like the Number One fan finger.
An exciting day! I have to tell you I am SOOOO glad I am doing this. I think anyone who runs for President should be required to drive both back AND forth across the USA to see what it's all about and what it's really like.
I left Terre Haute IN (which, by the way, was visited by both Hillary Clinton and me, on the same day. She got the headlines, though! ) Anyway, I hit the road at about 7:30 this a.m. in 36-degree weather, rain and fog, and I am in Oklahoma City during a "cold snap" where it is 61 and sunny. I drove through my first-time zone change and the seasons today. From cold and brown to spring, and dogwoods blooming, and something purple growing everywhere... this is a MAGNIFICENT country.
As much as my car looks like a homeless person lives in it, I don't think I would go to CA any other way. For the ten hours I drove today, I listened to the Sirius Laugh network, which has five-minute clips from seemingly every single comedian. It not only contributed to my joyful mood, but it also made the time pass more quickly. I tried to keep my hysterical laughing under control so I would not veer off the road and crash.
So, here are my observations from Day 2:
For our departure breakfast, we stopped at the Golden Arches, which made for a quick pick-up through the drive-thru so we could hit the road right away. Rudolph had an Egg McMuffin and hash browns while I just had OJ.
For lunch, he insisted we stop at a Pizza Hut (safe pizza) in Marshfield, MO, where I was the only one there not in bib overalls. Lovely people, however. My waitress looked like an older version of Dolly Parton, but she had most of her body hanging over a silver belt.
So, here are my observations from Day 2:
For our departure breakfast, we stopped at the Golden Arches, which made for a quick pick-up through the drive-thru so we could hit the road right away. Rudolph had an Egg McMuffin and hash browns while I just had OJ.
For lunch, he insisted we stop at a Pizza Hut (safe pizza) in Marshfield, MO, where I was the only one there not in bib overalls. Lovely people, however. My waitress looked like an older version of Dolly Parton, but she had most of her body hanging over a silver belt.

She kept dropping things, and I felt terrible for her, so Rudolph insisted that on our $6.89 check we leave her a $5. tip. Pay it forward.
I passed a sign that informed me I was in "America's Corner" ...I didn’t know what that meant and then I saw this: .

.Signs/sights I saw on the way today:
"Foot High Pies." I think that would be a challenge for even a foodaholic like me!
A 100-foot cross.
The home of French's mustard is in MO. I always thought it was from Quebec.
Purina Farms is a real farm,
not just a brand name.
"Foot High Pies." I think that would be a challenge for even a foodaholic like me!
A 100-foot cross.
The home of French's mustard is in MO. I always thought it was from Quebec.
Purina Farms is a real farm,
not just a brand name.
There is a Shrewsbury Avenue in St. Louis (my daughter lives in Shrewsbury, NJ)
"Lasik Surgery, only $67." (Do they do it at Costco?)
Hundreds of fireworks places, but I passed one stand that was situated next to a company that manufactured "Medical Devices and Prostheses" ... convenient! I guess if you blow up your hand, you can just go next door and get a new one?
"Vasectomy Reversals. Guaranteed Results or Your Money Back!" I guess the result would be a boy or a girl? There were a huge number of these billboards, but this was my favorite. Take a look at the smaller sign in the background. Do you think the other place is a surgical supply house?
"Lasik Surgery, only $67." (Do they do it at Costco?)
Hundreds of fireworks places, but I passed one stand that was situated next to a company that manufactured "Medical Devices and Prostheses" ... convenient! I guess if you blow up your hand, you can just go next door and get a new one?
"Vasectomy Reversals. Guaranteed Results or Your Money Back!" I guess the result would be a boy or a girl? There were a huge number of these billboards, but this was my favorite. Take a look at the smaller sign in the background. Do you think the other place is a surgical supply house?
"Poor Choices Make for Broken Hearts"
The Missouri Veterans Hospital is located directly next door to the Missouri Veterans Cemetery. I hope that's not an indication of the hospital's recovery rate, but it is very convenient!
"You Got Jesus?" (LOTS of Jesus Billboards)
One of my personal favorites:
"Jesus is our bread of life. Without Him, you are toast."
Deer look the same everywhere.
The penalty in MO for hitting a road worker is $10,000. fine and loss of your license. I guess you don't go to jail.
In OK, they announce there are seat belt enforcement troopers ahead on a permanent sign. Do they stay there for 24 hours?
They have lots of tolls, and when you get to the booth, the attendant will ask you what exit to which you are traveling. He/she will then tell you how much the fee is. If you get off before what you've paid for, you present the receipt, and you get a refund. (I swear!!!)
There are more RV sales lots than car lots in these three states.
If you have one of those very expensive RVs (like John Madden), the car that you tow MUST match the RV. I stopped counting when I got to 16 matching vehicles and motor homes.
In Indiana, telephone trucks travel in convoys of 12.
I have a new respect for tractor-trailer drivers. There is an AMAZING number of them on the road, and diesel is now $4.00 a gallon. Just doing this drive once is enough for me, and these guys (and gals!) do it all the time.
Speaking of fueling, besides pushing the button, I learned today that you MUST pay attention to the automatic fueling since about $3. worth of gas I bought went down the side of my car because it didn't automatically shut off. I was watching the meter instead of the gas tank. It turned out fine because there was a windshield wiper thingy so I was able to clean my car.
BRANSON SIGNS!! If you have ever driven to Florida, you may remember the 1,001 "South of the Border" signs you pass. I think the Branson signs outnumber even THOSE. One show was "Titanic: A Family Experience." I didn't like the sound of that. Does it mean the whole family gets to relive going down with the ship?
I have apparently purchased an endless bag of Hershey Kisses. I'm about halfway to California, and I swear they must multiply at night because the bag appears to have more in it in the morning. Trust me. I'm chomping down on those things. It's the only caffeine I'm having!
It must be a law that you must have enormous silos in Indiana and Missouri. They look more like missile silos than grain silos.
There is always a "Paris" and usually a "London" in every state.
"Visit Ozark Village! Souvenirs! Jewelry Outlet! Knives! Guns! Fudge Factory! T-shirts! Moccasins!" (This is NOT an exaggeration! It would seem that you can get a souvenir, buy a knife and a gun, take some fudge with you while wearing your new t-shirt and moccasins.) It looks like a bit of a challenge for me!
White spots on a hillside golf course are not necessarily bunkers. They could be cows...and they were.
People raise ostriches in MO, and they run alongside the highway.
This was not filmed by me, but I had the same experience.
The Missouri Veterans Hospital is located directly next door to the Missouri Veterans Cemetery. I hope that's not an indication of the hospital's recovery rate, but it is very convenient!
"You Got Jesus?" (LOTS of Jesus Billboards)
One of my personal favorites:
"Jesus is our bread of life. Without Him, you are toast."
Deer look the same everywhere.
The penalty in MO for hitting a road worker is $10,000. fine and loss of your license. I guess you don't go to jail.
In OK, they announce there are seat belt enforcement troopers ahead on a permanent sign. Do they stay there for 24 hours?
They have lots of tolls, and when you get to the booth, the attendant will ask you what exit to which you are traveling. He/she will then tell you how much the fee is. If you get off before what you've paid for, you present the receipt, and you get a refund. (I swear!!!)
There are more RV sales lots than car lots in these three states.
If you have one of those very expensive RVs (like John Madden), the car that you tow MUST match the RV. I stopped counting when I got to 16 matching vehicles and motor homes.
In Indiana, telephone trucks travel in convoys of 12.
I have a new respect for tractor-trailer drivers. There is an AMAZING number of them on the road, and diesel is now $4.00 a gallon. Just doing this drive once is enough for me, and these guys (and gals!) do it all the time.
Speaking of fueling, besides pushing the button, I learned today that you MUST pay attention to the automatic fueling since about $3. worth of gas I bought went down the side of my car because it didn't automatically shut off. I was watching the meter instead of the gas tank. It turned out fine because there was a windshield wiper thingy so I was able to clean my car.
BRANSON SIGNS!! If you have ever driven to Florida, you may remember the 1,001 "South of the Border" signs you pass. I think the Branson signs outnumber even THOSE. One show was "Titanic: A Family Experience." I didn't like the sound of that. Does it mean the whole family gets to relive going down with the ship?
I have apparently purchased an endless bag of Hershey Kisses. I'm about halfway to California, and I swear they must multiply at night because the bag appears to have more in it in the morning. Trust me. I'm chomping down on those things. It's the only caffeine I'm having!
It must be a law that you must have enormous silos in Indiana and Missouri. They look more like missile silos than grain silos.
There is always a "Paris" and usually a "London" in every state.
"Visit Ozark Village! Souvenirs! Jewelry Outlet! Knives! Guns! Fudge Factory! T-shirts! Moccasins!" (This is NOT an exaggeration! It would seem that you can get a souvenir, buy a knife and a gun, take some fudge with you while wearing your new t-shirt and moccasins.) It looks like a bit of a challenge for me!
White spots on a hillside golf course are not necessarily bunkers. They could be cows...and they were.
People raise ostriches in MO, and they run alongside the highway.
This was not filmed by me, but I had the same experience.

Oklahoma has many signs that read "Do Not Drive Into Smoke."
I don't know why, and I hope not to find out because I am only halfway across the state.
There are huge shopping centers for "mobile homes," and they advertise: "Stop, shop and save!" You can buy a double wide and a plot of land for less than $90,000 in all three states.
The speed limit on most highways in OK is 75, and people STILL pass you ... people with gun racks and sunglasses...even if the sun isn't out.
I have yet to see another Audi Q7. In fact, at two different places I stopped, people came up to ask me what kind of a car it was.
Will Rogers was born in Claremont, OK, and there are "free restrooms" there. I don't know why they combined both things on one sign. You would think they would show a little respect for the man. This is his birthplace and childhood home.
Carthage, MO, is the birthplace of George Washington Carver,
Harry Truman, and is also the home of "Precious Moments," and they do free tours of the factory. Something I didn't know is that Precious Moments has a chapel on its grounds. The interior is painted with "heavenly " scenes with the Precious Moments people in them.
I guess if you are a true collector of those little statues you may want to get married there?
I don't know why, and I hope not to find out because I am only halfway across the state.
There are huge shopping centers for "mobile homes," and they advertise: "Stop, shop and save!" You can buy a double wide and a plot of land for less than $90,000 in all three states.
The speed limit on most highways in OK is 75, and people STILL pass you ... people with gun racks and sunglasses...even if the sun isn't out.
I have yet to see another Audi Q7. In fact, at two different places I stopped, people came up to ask me what kind of a car it was.
Will Rogers was born in Claremont, OK, and there are "free restrooms" there. I don't know why they combined both things on one sign. You would think they would show a little respect for the man. This is his birthplace and childhood home.
Carthage, MO, is the birthplace of George Washington Carver,
Harry Truman, and is also the home of "Precious Moments," and they do free tours of the factory. Something I didn't know is that Precious Moments has a chapel on its grounds. The interior is painted with "heavenly " scenes with the Precious Moments people in them.
I guess if you are a true collector of those little statues you may want to get married there?
I hear a cart coming down the hall. I think Rudolph's steak is arriving from Room Service. Oklahoma City seems like a nice place!